最新信息:恭喜育才外国语欧美部Z同学获取剑桥大学面试 Oct 02, 2021... 阅读更多信息


Jessica graduated with honors from Colorado State University with a degree in English and a secondary education teaching certificate. While at CSU, Jessica worked at the university’s Intensive English Program where she taught students majoring in a variety of subjects such as business, engineering and medicine to hone their written and spoken English skills. This was a great opportunity for Jessica to gain an understanding of the acumen and requirements of a vast number of fields of study. This has prepared Jessica to coach individuals in the admissions and hiring process. After graduating, Jessica taught high school English where she also worked with English language learners as well as students in the advanced placement track. Working with a variety of students has made Jessica well versed in helping both English language learners as well as those who have a passion for the subject to excel.

Following the completion of her teaching career, Jessica ventured into the business world. Jessica became a top Realtor in Denver, Colorado as well as a real estate investor; she still owns and manages 24 units today. Working with clients, tenants and subcontractors has given Jessica a unique ability to understand the perspective of interviewers and interviewees that can be translated into providing others insight into how to market themselves.

Now Jessica enjoys drawing on her strong intrapersonal skills as well as her experience teaching students with varying backgrounds and majors to edit for Roads edu, as well as prepare individuals for the interview process. When not working, Jessica spends her time with her friends, family and animals in the beautiful outdoors.